Aeronautical engineering reports
Aerospace engineering is one of the most exciting and fastest growing branches of engineering. Includes aircraft design, construction, and flight. It is a demanding but very enriching field and you can always learn something new. This site aims to provide an overview of commonly used aeronautical engineering research for General Aviation and also to highlight some important basic knowledge in this area.
NACA Reports
Effects of Grit Roughness and Pitch Oscillations on the NACA 4415 Airfoil
NACA TM 948 A simple aproximation nethod for obtaining the spanwise lift distribution
NACA TN 441 Rolling, Yawing, and hinge moments produced by rectangular ailerons
NACA TN 606 Empirical correction to the span load distribution at the tip
NACA TN 2282 An improved approximate method for calculating lift distributions due to twist
NACA TR 408 General formulas and charts for the calculation of airplane performance
NACA TR 572 Determination of the characteristics of tapered wings
NACA TR 585 Span load distribution for tapered wings with partial-span flaps
NACA TR 586 Airfoil section characteristics as affected by variations of the reynolds number
NACA TR 594 Characteristics of six propellers including the high-speed range
NACA TR 721 Determination of control-surface characteristics from NACA plain flap and tab data
NACA TR 938 Summary of section data on trailing-edge high-lift devices
NACA TR 613 The variation with reynolds number of pressure distribution over an airfoil section
NASA Reports
NASA TP 1919 Wind-Tunnel Results for a Modified 17-Percent-Thick Low-Speed Airfoil Section
NASA TP 1498 Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 13-Percent-Thick Medium-Speed Airfoil Designed for General Aviation Applications
NASA TP 1324 Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 16-Percent-Thick Medium-Speed Airfoil Designed for General Aviation Applications
NASA TM X-74018 Low-speed wind tunnel results for a modified 13-percent-thick airfoil